There are so many people now days who will tell you they can make replicas. But take this the heart...there is a mile a difference between those that are good, and those that are kind of get what you pay for in this business.
Ive owned over 40 replica's for my deer display, most of them coming from Classic Antlers. Problem is, Klause is as slow as Molasses in January. It takes him an hour and a half to watch 60 minutes!
Here's a guy in Lakeville, MN that is every bit what Classic Antlers is, with one exception...the guy is a work-aholic. If he tells you 6 weeks, you'll probably have it in 4. Quality? He recently won a couple world championships for his replica's...very real, exceptional color, no flaws! Give him a call, Randy Tetrick - W, 952-898-4245, C, 612-964-8032. You can google him at TK Taxidermy