Originally Posted by Pioneer2
I bought a pistol from a widow 400 yards from my home and it's been 3 months and lots of covid excuses.
In this case I would expect there's a longer process of the firearm transfer. I don't think the widow is allowed to be in possession of the pistol unless she has an RPAL. If she does then there may be a couple transfers that need to take place.
To the OP I live out of town so most of my restricted transfers are completed in an hour or so. I was told it's not kms, but over 1 hour travel which they simply check on Google maps. My thoughts exactly on why it can't always be that fast. I find most CFOs I talk to are actually very helpful and a pleasure to deal with, while a few will only give bits of useless info and nothing more. Like they want the process to take longer for some reason.