Well I had a great day, fairly slow but still interesting! I started off with a snag, so I retied my rig and my second cast I hooked a dinker walleye, maybe 9 or 10 inches. Brought it to shore and saw a shadow following behind it. Before I could lift it out of the water a pike decided to eat it, I had the two of them on for a couple minutes before the pike let go, always fun!
released it looking none to worse for wear, and put a new bait out. Pretty much right away I got another walleye, much bigger than the first. I figured Id get a length before a pic, which I did then it broke me off and ran away before I grabbed my phone for a pic. I measured a nice but not too fat 29.5 inches, I was quite happy with that
Next cast got me a fat crawdad I introduced to the shore with the sole of my shoe. Got a few more not quite impressive eyes, then a half decent sized one, who broght a friend to shore, again!
This one was not much bigger than walter, Im not sure if it was looking to eat it or breed it, who knows, it was a rather nice day out there
I managed to grab my phone this time and got some video of it before it left for greener pastures. Next cast Another or same pike grabbed my bait before I could take it away from it so I had to unhook that one and then it happened again the next cast. All in I caught maybe a dozen eyes mostly dinkers, 2 crayfish and 2 pike not all that big either. Ended the outing with a hogzilla of a walleye, I almost had to hook up the car to drag it out of the depths!! The one in the pic
Vid is on my youtube, link is
the behemoth is this monster. my arms are still shaking!
Shove your masks and your vaccines
Non Compliance!!!!!!
"According to Trudeau, Im an extremist who needs to be dealt with"
#Trudeau must go
The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense.” ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich