Yes this is true, you ar'nt accually buying the trapline.
I went thruogh the hoops with this just only last year. I was junior partner on the line for 3 years and the senior signed a relenquish form to get off the trapline and requested I be the senior licence holder.
From there the F&W review and acually make the decission. If everything is on the up and up there is usually not a conflict. But a lot of people think that just because they hold the licence for that line they can have there own private little rec area and not accually trap their lines it is making things difficult for a legitamet trapper to get a start.
My accusition went very smooth and quick ( I think ) having a good relationship with with our local F&W officers behind me was a great asset, but I have heard that some cases don't go so smooth.
I agree with this system. It keeps the traplines out there for legitamet trappers, and not just a recreational user with a big fancy log cabin.