Did I miss the turkey draw application deadline again or what? Anyone know the dates off hand. Guess I could check the onlines regs at this site to find out too. Later.
the draw dead line for your draw is Monday the 29th of January. We should be in line for a draw this year in wmu 305.
Let me know how you make out.
Happy Hunting
Ive always heard of the Turkey Hunt, where would a fella be best to put in his draws for. This is totally new fer me, any advice? I would love to smack a turkey....
I saw a bunch while driving out to Sparwood in the porquipine hills. There were about 20 right by the road. It looked like 2 big ones and their offspring. The one had a great big beard and full plumage. I think it was just past chain lakes.
They seem to be doing well. Can't you hunt a way larger area as of last year as well? I've seen the most in WMU302 and my buddies see them in 400 all the time now. I've never really thought of hunting them but good luck to everyone in the draw. From what i hear once you get the first one its a fairly easy hunt, they're a critter of habit.
According to the draw booklet the season for turkey is form May 1, 2007-May 31, 2007. You are allowed to hunt in WMUs 300-308, 400, 402. The last day to enter the draw is January 29, 2007. Heard that it takes about 4 years to get drawn.
Yah, I wonder what the exact amount of tags given out this spring will be??? I know when they went from 1 zone (WMU 305) to 2 zones (WMU 302 & WMU 305) the tags went from 50 to 200!!! So hopefully there are a few more tags also given out with the increase in zones, and thus a person wont have to wait the 4-6 years anymore, to try for Alberta's turkeys.
No Ryan, 999 is a way to increase your draw priority without the possibility of actually getting drawn. The draw code is 32 I believe for the spring Turkey draw, if you plan on hunting for sure and if you are lucky enough to get drawn. Good luck. Later.