Hey guys,
Sorry for being so late into the year for the first report but it has been busy busy, this is definitely our most booked season ever with only two dates left in August that we are offering at a discounted rate!
Salmon fishing has been very good this year, limits come pretty easy and in fairly calm waters to boot, plus some real nice sized Coho have been around early in the year so that's a bonus. Chinook have been slightly below average size for this time of the year so far but from most of the reports I'm hearing that seems to be fairly consistent around the coast. I personally believe that the fish are behind schedule (those August dates should be amazing then!!!
) due to the warmer water temperatures and lack of rain on the coast.
Halibut as always has been deadly. Fish in the 30-70lb range are taken every single day and we are finding a lot of 17-20lbers for the under 90cm fish as well. We have already caught and released 16 halibut over 100lbs which is a great fight and nice picture but then also awesome to let them go and breed and continue to make millions of halibut for the future! The fish under 90lbs or so are the best for eating anyway.
Bottomfishing has been the best I think we have ever seen it, lingcod in the 30-50lb range have been fairly common which is pretty amazing! One day I guided guests to 15 lingcod and 7 of those were over 30lbs. Now that's amazing lingcod fishing!
The seas have been very calm minus one week all season as well so that is nice, today was almost like a lake and limits of halibut to 71lbs were taken as well as lingcod to 41lbs and tons of Yelloweye to 17lbs.
Here are some pictures, hope you guys enjoy and don't hesitate to PM me with any questions you may have!
Tight lines,
David Jr
Serengeti Fishing Charters
Halibut 30-50lbs, Lingcod up to 44lbs (7 over 30lbs) and limits of Chinook salmon and yellow eye!