Older vehicle starter question
Got an old 72 jeep. Have a couple interested buyers out of province. Won't turn over, engine spins by hand, starter don't even click. Jacked up the jeep today, pulled the starter. Put it on the bench and hooked up the battery charger. This starter only has a positive post and grounds to the transmission case. Opened it up, see a broken wire way down(maybe that's the problem, maybe not), no way to fix.
Go to the parts jeep, pull it's starter, same thing, not a sound, not a click. Didn't open it up. On the bench it just sparks when i touch the ground. Not even a click like it wants to engage.
Shouldn't the starter engage on the bench if it was in good working order?
Solenoid is on the fender well beside the engine, should it even matter if its connected?
Thanks for any tips/info as this is out of my area of knowledge, don't really want to buy a starter if i'm selling it(but will if i have to or get it rebuilt). If i show the two guys it runs and drives like I told them it does. It will make the sale more appealing to them.