Yes, you can P M me.
No, Demand Letters do not work. All it does is give evidence of denial of payment, which the Account itself does if you are a Sub Trade and unpaid.
I need to know the facts, as you may have a limitations issue, or a Builder's Lien time deadline for filing of a Lien at Land Titles if that is the issue.
DO NOT fall for the story that they pay on the 2nd Friday and last Friday of the month and you just missed the "cheque writing deadline", but you will be paid next month.
I hate Home Builders for all the B S I have seen.
One time someone called from the Bank claiming to be the Accounts Manager and saying the Construction Mortgage Advance could be released regardless of the Deficiency from the Building Inspector. I told the person to send the representation on Bank Letterhead. Never came.
I Faxed to the Bank and the Manager talked to the Staff Member, who had no clue who the Builder was or who the Borrower was.
Apparently, name on the desk and the business card was all the Builder's friend needed to try and B S the next advance from my Office.
I called the Builder and told him the matter was being forwarded to the RCMP for a Fraud Investigation as the Bank Employee was being impersonated on his behalf.
The deficiencies were corrected the next week.